Anupama 14th July 2024: Anupama Heartbreak

Anupama 14th July 2024 written Episode: Full Update only on Yo Desi Serials.

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Anupama Today Full HD Video Episode Desi Serial Apne TV

The episode begins with Baa and Babu ji drinking tea, commenting that it’s not like their homemade masala tea. Toshu and Pakhi arrive and give Babu ji a cream roll, making Baa and Babu ji happy. The couple staying with them remarks on how lucky they are to have grandchildren visiting.

Pakhi encourages Babu ji to have the cream roll but accidentally drops the property papers. Baa and Babu ji notice and realize the real reason for the visit. Babu ji says, “So you came for this.” Pakhi argues that the construction of the tower will provide a good life for their children, just as Baa and Babu ji had hoped for their own children. Baa tries to reason with them, but Babu ji says to leave it and decides to sign the papers. He signs them reluctantly.

Twenty hours earlier, in America, Anuj and Aadhya return home. Aadhya eagerly mentions missing her friends and wanting to go shopping, asking Anuj for his card. He hands it over, and she leaves happily. The doorbell rings, and Devika is at the door.

Anuj is surprised and asks what she is doing there. Devika explains she’s in town for a seminar and heard from Kinjal that Anuj returned alone. Anuj explains that Anupama didn’t want to come because she had made a promise to him.

Meanwhile, Anupama thinks about Anuj’s promise. She’s distracted and ends up burning sugar on the stove. Kinjal rushes in and removes the pan from the heat. Kinjal questions Anupama about why she didn’t go with Anuj, mentioning that she heard from Mama ji that Anupama had fainted. Kinjal wonders if Aadhya had asked Anupama to stay back.

Devika adds that Anupama always puts others first and scolds her for not thinking about herself. Kinjal points out that Anupama’s three children, especially Aadhya, are spoiled and that in a few years, Aadhya will move away, leaving Anupama and Anuj alone.

Devika advises Anuj that Aadhya will eventually marry and move out, and he will be left by himself. She tells Anuj to think about his happiness and Anupama’s as well, emphasizing that their lives are more important than a promise.

Devika and Kinjal challenge Anuj and Anupama, asking if they can truly live without each other. Anuj admits he cannot. Devika urges him to fight for his love, and Kinjal insists Anupama consider Anuj’s feelings. Both Anuj and Anupama attempt to call each other at the same time, resulting in busy signals. Finally, Anuj receives Anupama’s call, and they confess they cannot live without each other.

Anuj declares they are meant to be together, and Anupama agrees. He promises to come and take her back, and she eagerly waits for him. They share their happiness with Devika and Kinjal, celebrating with joy and dancing.

Anuj and Anupama write “#Maan” on their respective mirrors. Devika calls Anupama and switches to a video call.Devika: “I wanted to see how you’re doing without your piya.”Anupama: “I’m very happy.”Devika: “If you truly understood, Anuj wouldn’t have come back to India.”

Anupama thanks Devika and Kinjal for her happiness, expressing her desire to shout it from the rooftops. Suddenly, she trips and falls on the road, and people rush to help her. Devika, concerned, asks if she’s okay.

Anupama reassures her: “It’s good to have the bad luck removed. I’m just scared something might go wrong. But I know something good will happen. My Kapadia ji will come to take me and we’ll be a family.”Devika: “Anuj is coming to get you. Just be ready.”

Aadhya overhears and is shocked.Kinjal shares the good news with everyone: “Anupama and Anuj are finally uniting.”Kavya offers sweets to Vanraj.

Vanraj, bitter: “Finally, she got what she wanted. She’s manipulative and plays the victim to get Anuj.”Toshu and Pakhi try to reason that it’s for the best.Kavya dismisses their negativity and encourages everyone to ignore them.

Anupama shares the news with Baa and Babuji. They support her decision.Baa: “You’re doing the right thing. Everyone knows Aadhya is wrong.”Babuji: “This is called self-love.”Anupama: “Anuj considers you his parents. He’ll be happy too.”They all get emotional and smile.

Aadhya, in a fit of anger, breaks crockery. Devika comments: “That’s why plastic crockery is used.”Aadhya blames Devika.Devika, sternly: “I’m not Anuj or Anupama. I’m the Maasi who teaches manners. What can you do?”

Devika slaps Aadhya: “Understand now? I’ll say and you’ll listen. If you interrupt, I’ll slap you again. Parents don’t do favors by giving birth or adopting. Anupama loved you more than her own children. Be grateful she’s your mother and not me.”Devika tests Aadhya by throwing photo frames of Shruti and Anuj. Aadhya instinctively catches Shruti’s frame.

Devika: “You only love Shruti. Anupama saved you as a child. She didn’t marry Shruti because she loves Anuj, not out of obligation. If Anuj left you, how would you feel? If you don’t understand, pack your bags for the hostel.”Aadhya cries.Vikram tells Rahul about getting a second chance from Yashdeep and the importance of trust.

Yashdeep places Anupama’s trophy and expresses how much they miss her. Anuj arrives, announcing Anupama’s return and their resolved issues. Everyone is thrilled.Anuj: “Anu will join me in Mumbai. Everything is sorted.”

Anupama gets ready to leave, taking money from Bhavesh hesitantly. They tease her. Anupama leaves, and Anuj heads to Mumbai. Everyone prays for their happiness.Aadhya, conflicted, agrees not to come between Anuj and Anupama. Devika encourages her to be the bridge between them. Anuj and Anupama’s cars are stopped due to a religious procession.

Anupama speaks to a Panditji, receiving a Radha pendant, symbolizing her love. Anuj receives a Krishna pendant, completing the symbol when they reunite. Anupama calls Anuj.Anupama: “I’m moving toward my goal. I love you…”Anuj: “I love…”He is interrupted by Aadhya’s call.

Anuj reassures Aadhya: “I’m sorry for not telling you. You’re the best gift ever.”Aadhya: “I’m sorry for trying to separate you and Mummy. I can’t stay with you, but you deserve to be happy together.”

Anuj, hurt: “Don’t do this. I’m coming to you.”Aadhya: “Our relationship is over. Don’t search for me.”Anuj turns the car around, intending to find Aadhya, while Anupama waits for his call.

Aadhya cries, torn by her decision. Devika brings her a chocolate milkshake, trying to comfort her.Devika: “Understand their happiness. Be the link between them.”Aadhya agrees, and they share a hug.

Anupama tells the Panditji she’s moving toward her goal, receiving a pendant symbolizing her love, while Anuj gets a similar pendant. They anticipate their reunion with hope and love, despite the temporary setback.

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