Ghum Hai Kisi Ke Pyaar Mein 13th July 2024: Savi picks Sai

Ghum Hai Kisi Ke Pyaar Mein 13th July 2024 written Episode: Full Update only on Yo Desi Serials.

Ghum Hai Kisi Ke Pyar Mein Today Full HD Video Episode Desi Serial Apne TV
Ghum Hai Kisi Ke Pyar Mein Today Full HD Video Episode Desi Serial Apne TV

Savi believes she has informed Mr. Thakkar about Sai’s condition and location, and plans to update Isha, but she can’t disclose her own whereabouts. At the temple, Shashank’s mother explains that Jeevdani Maata is their kuldevi, which is why they chose to perform the pooja first before the sakharpuda/engagement at home.

She expresses her happiness that Isha agreed to her request. Isha shares her excitement about finding a good match in Shashank. Urmila comments on how surprising it is that Savi found a good guy despite everything that’s happened. Shashank proudly declares himself lucky to have found Savi.

Panditji calls for the bride and groom as the auspicious moment approaches. Shashank tries to call Savi, asking where she is. She explains that she’s caught in an emergency and asks him to step aside to talk.

Once he does, she reveals that Sai’s health has deteriorated, and she brought her to the hospital. Unfortunately, Shantanu can’t hear their conversation, and suddenly Savi’s phone dies. Shantanu then calls Isha aside to inform her that Savi is stuck in an emergency and won’t be able to make it.

Meanwhile, Rajat knocks loudly on Savi’s flat door, demanding she open up. Bhagyashree urges him to break the door down. Raju tells her to calm down since the family is at the engagement. Tara arrives, asking if Sai has been found. Bhagyashree accuses Savi of kidnapping Sai. Rajat tries calling Savi but finds her phone is switched off. Tara suggests they file a police report, and the family agrees.

Tara scolds Mamta for not taking care of the child, while Mamta nervously hopes they don’t discover she fed Sai a full bottle of cough syrup. Isha worries that Savi might be avoiding the engagement like last time. Shantanu insists they need to manage the situation, explaining to Isha that Savi is in an emergency.

Isha informs Shashank’s mother that Savi was in an accident, which raises concern. Isha clarifies that Savi’s lehenga is torn, making it impossible for her to reach the temple. Shashank’s mother reminds them that she had already informed them about the temple visit. Shashank tries to reassure her, noting that no girl wants to wear a torn dress on such a special day.

Back at the hospital, Savi returns to Sai’s ICU room, where a nurse arrives to change her dress. Savi asks her to be gentle, but the nurse assures her it’s part of her routine and not to worry. Suddenly, Sai vomits, and the nurse rushes to inform the doctor, who arrives and tells Savi that Sai’s condition is critical and they need to proceed immediately.

The nurse asks Savi if she has signed a consent form, but Savi explains that she’s just a neighbor and not Sai’s mother. The doctor chastises her for her irresponsibility but acknowledges her concern, stating that a parent’s signature is essential.

Recalling Ashika’s address, Savi rushes there and explains Sai’s situation, asking her to come to the hospital to sign the consent form. However, Harsh stops Ashika, reminding her of her promise not to look back after moving on with him. Savi leaves, feeling determined.

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