Maati Se Bandhi Dor 23rd June 2024: Fire at Saleem

Maati Se Bandhi Dor  23rd June 2024 written Episode: Full Update only on Yo Desi Serials.

The episode begins with Vaiju rescuing her family from a fire. She sends Kaveri out and then calls for Aai and Jaya. Spotting Jaya, she lifts her and breaks down a door to get her out of the flames. Kaveri shouts for Aai, while Saleem and Kaveri try to stop Vaiju from re-entering.

Undeterred, Vaiju rushes back and finds Durga trapped under debris. She frees Durga and brings her outside. The villagers help rush them to the village.

Kaki reveals that Vaiju refused to marry, and Jaikant was sent away because of it. Vasundara defends Vaiju, suggesting someone must have hurt her for her to take such a drastic step. She questions Ranvijay if he has spoken to Vaiju, but he hasn’t.

Saleem calls him, and Naagraj speculates that it might be an apology. Instead, Saleem informs him about the disaster at Vaiju’s house, leaving Ranvijay shocked. He hurries to the hospital, where Saleem thanks him for coming and updates him on Durga’s serious condition.

Kaveri wheels Jaya in on a stretcher, and Ranvijay, worried, asks what happened to her. Kaveri explains they were all home during the fire and that Vaiju overheard his and Jaya’s conversation before the wedding. Learning of their love for each other, Vaiju halted the marriage so they could be together.

Ranvijay, surprised, realizes that Jaya is Kaveri’s younger sister, not Kaki’s daughter. He confronts Vaiju, asking why she didn’t reveal what she heard. Vaiju, tearful, explains she didn’t want people to criticize their true love. She expresses her hope for Jaya’s recovery and happiness.

Maati Se Bandhi Dor Today Full HD Video Episode Desi Serial Apne TV
Maati Se Bandhi Dor Today Full HD Video Episode Desi Serial Apne TV

Vasundara arrives at the hospital, where Vaiju hugs her and breaks down in tears. “I can’t see you like this,” Vasundara says gently, “we are all here for you. Stay strong.” Just then, the doctor enters. Vasundara anxiously inquires about the operation. The doctor responds, “Jaya’s operation is complete, but she isn’t conscious. Durga is in serious condition.”

Vaiju immediately goes to see Durga. “You will get better,” she assures her. Durga, struggling, says, “I need to tell you something. I’m the one who shattered your courage. You may never forgive me, but I can’t die with this burden. I made those people reject you, I got the alliances canceled by speaking ill of you. I’ve cursed myself for it.”

Vaiju is stunned. “It’s my last wish,” Durga pleads, “please forgive me.” With those words, Durga passes away. Vaiju screams in anguish. Ranvijay and Vasundara rush in, followed by Kaveri, who starts crying. The doctor asks Vaiju to step outside and tries to revive Durga, but she doesn’t respond. “I’m sorry, we couldn’t save her,” he announces. Vaiju and Kaveri run to Durga, hugging her.

“I’ve forgiven you,” Vaiju whispers through her tears, “I’m not upset.”

Meanwhile, Jaikant is seen dancing. Gopal arrives and informs him, “We’ve burned Vaiju’s house, and her family was inside.” Shocked, Jaikant retorts, “What nonsense! The house was supposed to be empty.” Gopal explains, “Vaiju’s mother died, and her sister is undergoing surgery. What will we do if anyone finds out?”

The inspector approaches Vaiju, who is haunted by Durga’s confession and begins to cry. “We will investigate the matter and find the culprit,” he assures her. The doctor returns, and Ranvijay asks, “How is Jaya?” The doctor replies, “Vaiju donated blood to her, but she has slipped into a coma.” They are all shocked by the news.

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