Udne Ki Aasha 24th June 2024: Paresh and Sachin look

Udne Ki Aasha 24th June 2024 written Episode: Full Update only on Yo Desi Serials.

The episode starts with Renu declaring that no one from Sayali’s family will come. Sachin asks Sayali, “Is the puja for someone else or for you? It’s your puja, it should be your decision who to invite and who not.” Paresh smiles. Sachin tells Sayali to let Renu say whatever she wants. He adds, “I have already invited your family.

The puja is at 10 am, right? They will all be here. Your friends are also coming; I met them and invited them. I also invited your landlord’s wife and our chawl neighbors.” Sayali smiles. Sachin continues, “Tell me if there is anyone else, and I will go and invite them.” Paresh agrees and leaves. Sachin tells Sayali not to worry and to invite anyone she likes. Renu goes to her room and argues with Paresh.

Paresh tells her to respect Sayali as much as she respects Roshni, noting it’s good that Aai didn’t hear this. Sachin then goes to Sayali and confesses, “I lied back there. I didn’t invite anyone. You have the right to live as you want, so I said that to shut Renu up.

You invite everyone. They should all come; it’s your day, your people should be here. I had no time to invite them. It’s your life; you should live it your way. It should be your decision; you choose your path.” She feels happy. He explains his actions further. She thanks him, saying, “You didn’t invite my mum but took a stand for me in front of Renu, so thank you.

” He says, “No need for thanks. Don’t worry, stay well, okay?” She nods. She asks if he will come to invite her mum, and he agrees, saying, “I will come if you say so. When we go shopping in the evening, we will go and invite them. I had no money to refill the car’s fuel, so I came home to get money. Take care, I will be back.” She thinks of Sachin and smiles.

Renu calls Roshni and asks her to come home tomorrow because Aaji wants to meet her and has kept a puja for Sayali. Roshni agrees to come early and help. Renu says, “No, you just come. Have food now.” She ends the call. Roshni wonders why Renu behaves rudely with Sayali and questions Sachin and Sayali’s relationship.

Vidya comes in and invites Roshni for dinner. Roshni mentions that Renu invited her to Sayali’s puja. Vidya is surprised and says Roshni is attending a function at her in-laws. Roshni explains that Tejas’ Aaji has come from the village. Vidya advises her not to reveal anything to Aaji. The doorbell rings, and Vidya assumes it’s Tejas. However, Roshni is upset to see her mum and Krish instead.

Sayali talks to Shubha on the phone and praises Sachin. Sachin, overhearing, says, “We just met your mum, and now you’re calling her again?” Sayali responds that he wouldn’t understand. He jokes about her not making any drama while buying sarees. She replies, “You chose it and liked it, so I liked it.

I will wear it at the puja tomorrow.” He insists that if anyone says anything about the saree, she should let him know. He tells her to try the saree and send a picture to her mum. If she doesn’t like it, he will exchange it. Sayali reassures him, saying, “I like this saree. Everyone is coming for the puja, not just to see me in this saree.” Sachin teases her, saying, “Okay, don’t complain later.

” She challenges him to wear a saree. He accepts the challenge, saying, “I know everything, I will show you.” He tries to drape the saree, making her laugh. She points out that the fall should be on the downside. He insists he knows and was showing how quickly he could wear it. He tries again, boasting, “Look, I’ve worn it so well.

” She praises him jokingly, “Yes, it’s the best. Now walk and show me.” He walks slowly, saying, “I’m walking, it’s easy.” He then falls on the bed, and she laughs. He explains, “I was on an empty stomach, so I got dizzy and fell.” Just then, he gets a call from Anya. He asks, “Did you find out who did it?” Sayali looks worried.
He says, “No, Anya, find out. I will not leave that man.” He turns to Sayali, “I will not leave that man for troubling me.” She urges him to calm down, but he leaves. Roshni tells her mum not to come there. Vidya intervenes, “Don’t shout at her.” Roshni worries, “If Tejas comes, what will I say?” Vidya reassures her, “He won’t come, chill.” Krish asks, “Who is Tejas, your friend?” Roshni nods, “Yes, now go inside and play.”

Udne ki Aasha Today Full HD Video Episode Desi Serial Apne TV
Udne ki Aasha Today Full HD Video Episode Desi Serial Apne TV

Roshni’s mum gives her money, saying, “I came to help you and wanted to meet you before your marriage.” Roshni replies, “I got a chance after much difficulty. I can change my life now.” She asks her mum to stay the night and leave in the morning, and her mum agrees. Roshni then checks on Krish.

In the morning, Sayali brings tea for Paresh and Aaji. “Sachin went for a bath. My mum will come on time,” she says. She takes tea for Sachin, who is already dressed. “Breakfast isn’t prepared,” she notes. He responds, “I have to take a ride, I need to go.” She urges him to have tea, but he insists, “I need to be on time. We need money to pay the EMI and the mechanic.

” Paresh advises, “Don’t spend too much on this puja.” Aaji counters, “It’s a small amount for my children’s happiness. Go and get the jewellery boxes.” Renu and Tejas watch. Renu asks Tejas to stay home, “Roshni is coming. Just be with her.” Paresh brings the boxes.

Aaji shows the jewellery, saying, “I wanted to make Sayali wear this, but didn’t get a chance. I’ll do it today. This jewellery is for Sayali.” Paresh asks, “But just for them?” Aaji assures, “I know, I’m not like Renu to be biased. I’ve divided the ancestral jewellery into three shares.” Paresh smiles.

Renu complains, “Fine, but I went to the village and worked hard for money. I got 2 lakhs, and Sachin took it. We have many expenses.” Tejas suggests, “We will buy a necklace for Roshni. I didn’t go for the interview today.” She urges him, “Find a job soon.” Sachin vows, “I will work hard and earn money for my car. I can’t attend the puja; it’s a ladies’ ritual. I don’t need to stay.

” She asks, “When will we get the car back?” He replies, “Don’t know. We need more money for the repair. I have to pick the ride.” He leaves, saying, “I’m going now.” Aaji says, “I got this jewellery for Sayali and you.” Sachin responds, “I took money from you, this isn’t needed.”

Sayali agrees, “Yes, we won’t need this. Your blessings are enough.” Aaji insists, “It’s a family tradition. Don’t you want your children to remember me?” Sachin says, “You are very important to me.” She hands over the jewellery, “Keep this as my blessing.” Sachin leaves, and Renu taunts Sachin and Paresh.

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