Maati Se Bandhi Dor 27th June 2024: Go home

Maati Se Bandhi Dor  27th June 2024 written Episode: Full Update only on Yo Desi Serials.

The episode begins with Kaki urging Vaiju to come home due to the approaching rains. Vaiju insists on finishing her work and asks Kaki to go ahead. Reluctantly, Kaki leaves. Meanwhile, Aaji expresses concern to Kailash about Vaiju being out in the storm. Ranvijay mentions the lack of network coverage. Worried, Aaji requests Ranvijay to use his car to find Vaiju. Initially hesitant due to the storm, Ranvijay eventually agrees.

As Vaiju leaves the factory after completing her work, her umbrella is blown away by the wind. Ranvijay spots her and stops his car. Surprised, Vaiju asks why he’s there, to which he simply replies, “Get in.” She complies, and he offers her his jacket, but she declines, worried about it getting spoiled. They discuss Jaya’s condition, and Vaiju notices Durga’s chain in Ranvijay’s pocket. He explains he came to return it, as Aai thought it might help her.

Vaiju reveals that Aai had kept the chain for her future son-in-law. Ranvijay apologizes for whatever happened between them, but Vaiju assures him there’s no need to apologize. They agree to focus on Jaya’s recovery. Ranvijay compliments Vaiju’s resilience, noting that she may seem stubborn but is actually soft-hearted. Suddenly, rocks start falling from a nearby hill. Vaiju yells at Ranvijay to stop the car, and he maneuvers carefully to avoid the danger.

Meanwhile, Vasundara tries unsuccessfully to reach Ranvijay and expresses concern to Rao Sahab. Ranvijay’s car gets stuck in the mud, and Vaiju notices more rocks heading their way. She takes action, placing stones under the car’s tires and pushing it out of the pit. They manage to escape just in time. Back at home, Aaji prays for their safety, while Kailash comments cynically about Ranvijay and Vaiju spending time together.

Maati Se Bandhi Dor Today Full HD Video Episode Desi Serial Apne TV
Maati Se Bandhi Dor Today Full HD Video Episode Desi Serial Apne TV

As Ranvijay and Vaiju continue their journey, they encounter a road blocked by floodwater. They decide to wait inside the car. Aaji scolds Kailash for his insensitivity towards Vaiju’s safety. Eventually, they fall asleep in the car. The next morning, villagers discover them and surround the car with guns drawn. The Mukhiya accuses them of something, causing both Ranvijay and Vaiju to protest their innocence.

Rao Sahab watches the news intently. Vasundara enters, visibly concerned.Vasundara: Ranvijay and Vaiju, they’re not answering their phones.Rao Sahab nods, his expression grave.Rao Sahab: Send Shambu and Jaikant to find them immediately.

Meanwhile, in the village outskirts, Ranvijay, pursued by villagers, lunges for a fallen gun. He’s quickly apprehended again. Vaiju steps forward, desperately pleading on their behalf.Vaiju: Nothing happened! Please, let him go!

Amidst the commotion, accusations fly from Kailash.Kailash: You two have disgraced us!Ranvijay and Vaiju vehemently defend themselves, but the village head, Mukhiya, remains unmoved.Mukhiya: Innocence is claimed by every wrongdoer caught in the act. We are the law here.

Kailash, fueled by anger, threatens to expose Vaiju’s actions to everyone, humiliating her publicly.In a tense moment, Ranvijay confronts Kailash, his voice echoing with defiance.Ranvijay: You have no right to judge!Mukhiya steps in decisively, his tone severe.

Mukhiya: He shall face the ultimate punishment.Vaiju intervenes desperately, pleading for mercy.Vaiju: No! Spare him, please!Kailash suggests a drastic resolution, shocking everyone present.Kailash: Let them marry! It’s the village’s way.

Ranvijay rejects the suggestion outright, his resolve unyielding.Ranvijay: I’ve promised someone else my hand. Do what you must.The villagers erupt in anger at Ranvijay’s defiance. Mukhiya, enraged, orders his men.Mukhiya: Prepare for justice!As tension mounts, a man aims a gun at Ranvijay, the threat of death looming large.

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